Counting Activity

20 Nov 2020

Today was a bit cold and drizzling, so for the afternoon, we played a numbers matching game that A (4 years old) helped me put together. We used a cookie cutter to draw the turkeys. He helped stick the apples onto the turkeys while I cut the turkeys out. We also wrote what we’re thankful for on the back side of the turkeys. After the activity was done (he played it several times) I made a pocket with construction paper and double sided tape for the turkeys to be stored until we play again. The possibilities are limitless as you can choose to do addition with these for older kids using different colored apples (example: for 9 you can do 5 green applies and 4 red apples).

Counting Activity

20 Nov 2020

Today was a bit cold and drizzling, so for the afternoon, we played a numbers matching game that A (4 years old) helped me put together. We used a cookie cutter to draw the turkeys. He helped stick the apples onto the turkeys while I cut the turkeys out. We also wrote what we’re thankful for on the back side of the turkeys. After the activity was done (he played it several times) I made a pocket with construction paper and double sided tape for the turkeys to be stored until we play again. The possibilities are limitless as you can choose to do addition with these for older kids using different colored apples (example: for 9 you can do 5 green applies and 4 red apples).